Heartland Cultural Alliance
Ridge Photo Club

Did you get a new camera for Christmas?
Do you have a keen eye?
Or maybe you would just like to improve your photo skill set?
Then the Ridge Photo Club (RPC) is for you!
The Ridge Photo Club is an organization where photographers meet to learn from each other and discuss their craft. The RPC went dark in the spring of 2020, but prior to covid, RPC was a thriving group of local photographers that learned from each other and the occasional guest speaker. We’ll talk about lighting, inspiration, processing software (Lightroom, Photoshop, etc.), equipment, competitions, venues, settings, field trips, showing your work, and more!
Every Fourth Tuesday, beginning January 23rd at 6pm and meeting year-round.
The meeting date will be open to discussion with those who attend.
Location: Avon Park Community & Cultural Center
Peter Powell Roberts Museum
310 W. Main Street & Museum Avenue
Enter from the parking lot and follow the signs
The Ridge Photo Club is a member organization of the Florida Camera Club Council (F3C). This allows members to compete in various competitions and attend F3C sponsored conferences & workshops. Please visit www.f3c.org for the scope of the Florida Camera Club Council.
For more information contact Kevin Collier at RidgePhotoClubFL@gmail.com